Class BearerUtil



  • FullAuthUtil
    • BearerUtil


  • Parameters

    • securitySchemeName: string

    Returns BearerUtil


bearerFormat?: string
description?: string
securitySchemeName: string
token?: string


  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Parameters

    • bearerFormat: string

      A hint to the client to identify how the bearer token is formatted. Bearer tokens are usually generated by an authorization server, so this information is primarily for documentation purposes.

    Returns BearerUtil

  • Parameters

    • description: string

      A short description for security scheme. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.

    Returns BearerUtil

  • Parameters

    • token: string

    Returns BearerUtil

  • Returns Record<string, SecuritySchemeObject>

  • Parameters

    • Optionalscopes: string[]

    Returns SecurityRequirementObject[]

  • Returns Auth