Interface CustomModel<TRawDocType, TQueryHelpers, TInstanceMethods, TVirtuals, THydratedDocumentType, TSchema>

interface CustomModel<TRawDocType, TQueryHelpers, TInstanceMethods, TVirtuals, THydratedDocumentType, TSchema> {
    new CustomModelnew <DocType>(doc?: DocType, fields?: any, options?: boolean | AnyObject): THydratedDocumentType;
    base: __module;
    baseModelName: undefined | string;
    collection: Collection<Document>;
    db: Connection;
    discriminators: undefined | {
        [name: string]: Model<any>;
    events: EventEmitter<DefaultEventMap>;
    modelName: string;
    schema: Schema<TRawDocType, Model<TRawDocType, any, any, any, IfAny<TRawDocType, any, Document<unknown, any, TRawDocType> & Require_id<TRawDocType>>, any>, {}, {}, {}, {}, DefaultSchemaOptions, ObtainDocumentType<any, TRawDocType, ResolveSchemaOptions<DefaultSchemaOptions>>, IfAny<FlatRecord<ObtainDocumentType<any, TRawDocType, ResolveSchemaOptions<DefaultSchemaOptions>>>, any, Document<unknown, {}, FlatRecord<ObtainDocumentType<any, TRawDocType, ResolveSchemaOptions<DefaultSchemaOptions>>>> & Require_id<FlatRecord<ObtainDocumentType<any, TRawDocType, ResolveSchemaOptions<DefaultSchemaOptions>>>>>>;
    $where(argument: string | Function): QueryWithHelpers<THydratedDocumentType[], THydratedDocumentType, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "find", TInstanceMethods>;
    [captureRejectionSymbol]?<K>(error: Error, event: string | symbol, ...args: AnyRest): void;
    addListener<K>(eventName: string | symbol, listener: ((...args: any[]) => void)): this;
    aggregate<R>(pipeline?: PipelineStage[], options?: AggregateOptions): Aggregate<R[]>;
    aggregate<R>(pipeline: PipelineStage[]): Aggregate<R[]>;
    aggregation<ResultElementType>(): Aggregation<ResultElementType>;
    applyDefaults(obj: AnyObject): AnyObject;
    applyDefaults(obj: TRawDocType): TRawDocType;
    bulkSave(documents: Document<unknown, any, any>[], options?: MongooseBulkSaveOptions): Promise<BulkWriteResult>;
    bulkWrite<DocContents>(writes: AnyBulkWriteOperation<DocContents extends Document<unknown, any, any>
        ? any
        : DocContents extends {}
            ? DocContents<DocContents>
            : any>[], options: MongooseBulkWriteOptions & {
        ordered: false;
    }): Promise<BulkWriteResult & {
        mongoose?: {
            validationErrors: Error[];
    bulkWrite<DocContents>(writes: AnyBulkWriteOperation<DocContents extends Document<unknown, any, any>
        ? any
        : DocContents extends {}
            ? DocContents<DocContents>
            : any>[], options?: MongooseBulkWriteOptions): Promise<BulkWriteResult>;
    castObject(obj: AnyObject, options?: {
        ignoreCastErrors?: boolean;
    }): TRawDocType;
    countDocuments(filter?: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, options?: null | CountOptions & Pick<QueryOptions<TRawDocType>, MongooseBaseQueryOptionKeys> & {
        [other: string]: any;
    }): QueryWithHelpers<number, THydratedDocumentType, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "countDocuments", TInstanceMethods>;
    create<DocContents>(docs: (TRawDocType | DocContents)[], options: CreateOptions & {
        aggregateErrors: true;
    }): Promise<(THydratedDocumentType | Error)[]>;
    create<DocContents>(docs: (TRawDocType | DocContents)[], options?: CreateOptions): Promise<THydratedDocumentType[]>;
    create<DocContents>(doc: TRawDocType | DocContents): Promise<THydratedDocumentType>;
    create<DocContents>( (TRawDocType | DocContents)[]): Promise<THydratedDocumentType[]>;
    createCollection<T>(options?: CreateCollectionOptions & Pick<SchemaOptions<unknown, {}, {}, {}, {}, Document<unknown, {}, unknown> & {
        _id: ObjectId;
    }>, "expires">): Promise<Collection<T>>;
    createIndexes(options?: CreateIndexesOptions): Promise<void>;
    createSearchIndex(description: SearchIndexDescription): Promise<string>;
    deleteMany(filter?: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, options?: null | DeleteOptions & Pick<QueryOptions<TRawDocType>, MongooseBaseQueryOptionKeys> & {
        [other: string]: any;
    }): QueryWithHelpers<DeleteResult, THydratedDocumentType, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "deleteMany", TInstanceMethods>;
    deleteMany(filter: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>): QueryWithHelpers<DeleteResult, THydratedDocumentType, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "deleteMany", TInstanceMethods>;
    deleteOne(filter?: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, options?: null | DeleteOptions & Pick<QueryOptions<TRawDocType>, MongooseBaseQueryOptionKeys> & {
        [other: string]: any;
    }): QueryWithHelpers<DeleteResult, THydratedDocumentType, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "deleteOne", TInstanceMethods>;
    deleteOne(filter: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>): QueryWithHelpers<DeleteResult, THydratedDocumentType, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "deleteOne", TInstanceMethods>;
    diffIndexes(options?: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<IndexesDiff>;
    discriminator<D>(name: string | number, schema: Schema<any, Model<any, any, any, any, any, any>, {}, {}, {}, {}, DefaultSchemaOptions, {}, Document<unknown, {}, FlatRecord<{}>> & FlatRecord<{}> & Required<{
        _id: unknown;
    }>>, value?:
        | string
        | number
        | ObjectId
        | DiscriminatorOptions): Model<D, {}, {}, {}, IfAny<D, any, Document<unknown, {}, D> & Require_id<D>>, any>;
    discriminator<T, U>(name: string | number, schema: Schema<T, U, {}, {}, {}, {}, DefaultSchemaOptions, ObtainDocumentType<any, T, ResolveSchemaOptions<DefaultSchemaOptions>>, IfAny<FlatRecord<ObtainDocumentType<any, T, ResolveSchemaOptions<DefaultSchemaOptions>>>, any, Document<unknown, {}, FlatRecord<ObtainDocumentType<any, T, ResolveSchemaOptions<DefaultSchemaOptions>>>> & Require_id<FlatRecord<ObtainDocumentType<any, T, ResolveSchemaOptions<DefaultSchemaOptions>>>>>>, value?:
        | string
        | number
        | ObjectId
        | DiscriminatorOptions): U;
    distinct<DocKey, ResultType>(field: DocKey, filter?: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>): QueryWithHelpers<(DocKey extends keyof TRawDocType | NestedPaths<Required<TRawDocType>, keyof TRawDocType>
        ? WithoutUndefined<Unpacked<WithLevel1NestedPaths<TRawDocType, keyof TRawDocType>[DocKey<DocKey>]>>
        : ResultType)[], THydratedDocumentType, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "distinct", TInstanceMethods>;
    dropSearchIndex(name: string): Promise<void>;
    emit<K>(eventName: string | symbol, ...args: AnyRest): boolean;
    ensureIndexes(options?: CreateIndexesOptions): Promise<void>;
    estimatedDocumentCount(options?: QueryOptions<TRawDocType>): QueryWithHelpers<number, THydratedDocumentType, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "estimatedDocumentCount", TInstanceMethods>;
    eventNames(): (string | symbol)[];
    exists(filter: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>): QueryWithHelpers<null | {
        _id: InferId<TRawDocType>;
    }, THydratedDocumentType, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOne", TInstanceMethods>;
    find<ResultDoc>(filter: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, projection: undefined | null | ProjectionType<TRawDocType>, options: QueryOptions<TRawDocType> & {
        lean: true;
    }): QueryWithHelpers<Require_id<FlattenMaps<TRawDocType>>[], ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "find", TInstanceMethods>;
    find<ResultDoc>(filter: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, projection?: null | ProjectionType<TRawDocType>, options?: null | QueryOptions<TRawDocType>): QueryWithHelpers<ResultDoc[], ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "find", TInstanceMethods>;
    find<ResultDoc>(filter: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, projection?: null | ProjectionType<TRawDocType>): QueryWithHelpers<ResultDoc[], ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "find", TInstanceMethods>;
    find<ResultDoc>(filter: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>): QueryWithHelpers<ResultDoc[], ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "find", TInstanceMethods>;
    find<ResultDoc>(): QueryWithHelpers<ResultDoc[], ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "find", TInstanceMethods>;
    findById<ResultDoc>(id: any, projection: undefined | null | ProjectionType<TRawDocType>, options: QueryOptions<TRawDocType> & {
        lean: true;
    }): QueryWithHelpers<null | (TRawDocType extends any[]
        ? Require_id<FlattenMaps<TRawDocType>>[]
        : Require_id<FlattenMaps<TRawDocType>>), ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOne", TInstanceMethods>;
    findById<ResultDoc>(id: any, projection?: null | ProjectionType<TRawDocType>, options?: null | QueryOptions<TRawDocType>): QueryWithHelpers<null | ResultDoc, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOne", TInstanceMethods>;
    findById<ResultDoc>(id: any, projection?: null | ProjectionType<TRawDocType>): QueryWithHelpers<null | ResultDoc, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOne", TInstanceMethods>;
    findByIdAndDelete<ResultDoc>(id: any, options: QueryOptions<TRawDocType> & {
        lean: true;
    }): QueryWithHelpers<null | (TRawDocType extends any[]
        ? Require_id<FlattenMaps<TRawDocType>>[]
        : Require_id<FlattenMaps<TRawDocType>>), ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOneAndDelete", TInstanceMethods>;
    findByIdAndDelete<ResultDoc>(id: any, options: QueryOptions<TRawDocType> & {
        includeResultMetadata: true;
    }): QueryWithHelpers<ModifyResult<ResultDoc>, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOneAndDelete", TInstanceMethods>;
    findByIdAndDelete<ResultDoc>(id?: any, options?: null | QueryOptions<TRawDocType>): QueryWithHelpers<null | ResultDoc, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOneAndDelete", TInstanceMethods>;
    findByIdAndUpdate<ResultDoc>(filter: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, update: UpdateQuery<TRawDocType>, options: QueryOptions<TRawDocType> & {
        includeResultMetadata: true;
        lean: true;
    }): QueryWithHelpers<ModifyResult<TRawDocType>, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOneAndUpdate", TInstanceMethods>;
    findByIdAndUpdate<ResultDoc>(id: any, update: UpdateQuery<TRawDocType>, options: QueryOptions<TRawDocType> & {
        lean: true;
    }): QueryWithHelpers<null | (TRawDocType extends any[]
        ? Require_id<FlattenMaps<TRawDocType>>[]
        : Require_id<FlattenMaps<TRawDocType>>), ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOneAndUpdate", TInstanceMethods>;
    findByIdAndUpdate<ResultDoc>(id: any, update: UpdateQuery<TRawDocType>, options: QueryOptions<TRawDocType> & {
        includeResultMetadata: true;
    }): QueryWithHelpers<ModifyResult<ResultDoc>, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOneAndUpdate", TInstanceMethods>;
    findByIdAndUpdate<ResultDoc>(id: any, update: UpdateQuery<TRawDocType>, options: QueryOptions<TRawDocType> & {
        upsert: true;
    } & ReturnsNewDoc): QueryWithHelpers<ResultDoc, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOneAndUpdate", TInstanceMethods>;
    findByIdAndUpdate<ResultDoc>(id?: any, update?: UpdateQuery<TRawDocType>, options?: null | QueryOptions<TRawDocType>): QueryWithHelpers<null | ResultDoc, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOneAndUpdate", TInstanceMethods>;
    findByIdAndUpdate<ResultDoc>(id: any, update: UpdateQuery<TRawDocType>): QueryWithHelpers<null | ResultDoc, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOneAndUpdate", TInstanceMethods>;
    findOne<ResultDoc>(filter: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, projection: undefined | null | ProjectionType<TRawDocType>, options: QueryOptions<TRawDocType> & {
        lean: true;
    }): QueryWithHelpers<null | (TRawDocType extends any[]
        ? Require_id<FlattenMaps<TRawDocType>>[]
        : Require_id<FlattenMaps<TRawDocType>>), ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOne", TInstanceMethods>;
    findOne<ResultDoc>(filter?: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, projection?: null | ProjectionType<TRawDocType>, options?: null | QueryOptions<TRawDocType>): QueryWithHelpers<null | ResultDoc, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOne", TInstanceMethods>;
    findOne<ResultDoc>(filter?: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, projection?: null | ProjectionType<TRawDocType>): QueryWithHelpers<null | ResultDoc, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOne", TInstanceMethods>;
    findOne<ResultDoc>(filter?: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>): QueryWithHelpers<null | ResultDoc, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOne", TInstanceMethods>;
    findOneAndDelete<ResultDoc>(filter: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, options: QueryOptions<TRawDocType> & {
        lean: true;
    }): QueryWithHelpers<null | (TRawDocType extends any[]
        ? Require_id<FlattenMaps<TRawDocType>>[]
        : Require_id<FlattenMaps<TRawDocType>>), ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOneAndDelete", TInstanceMethods>;
    findOneAndDelete<ResultDoc>(filter: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, options: QueryOptions<TRawDocType> & {
        includeResultMetadata: true;
    }): QueryWithHelpers<ModifyResult<ResultDoc>, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOneAndDelete", TInstanceMethods>;
    findOneAndDelete<ResultDoc>(filter?: null | FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, options?: null | QueryOptions<TRawDocType>): QueryWithHelpers<null | ResultDoc, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOneAndDelete", TInstanceMethods>;
    findOneAndReplace<ResultDoc>(filter: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, replacement: AnyObject | TRawDocType, options: QueryOptions<TRawDocType> & {
        lean: true;
    }): QueryWithHelpers<null | (TRawDocType extends any[]
        ? Require_id<FlattenMaps<TRawDocType>>[]
        : Require_id<FlattenMaps<TRawDocType>>), ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOneAndReplace", TInstanceMethods>;
    findOneAndReplace<ResultDoc>(filter: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, replacement: AnyObject | TRawDocType, options: QueryOptions<TRawDocType> & {
        includeResultMetadata: true;
    }): QueryWithHelpers<ModifyResult<ResultDoc>, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOneAndReplace", TInstanceMethods>;
    findOneAndReplace<ResultDoc>(filter: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, replacement: AnyObject | TRawDocType, options: QueryOptions<TRawDocType> & {
        upsert: true;
    } & ReturnsNewDoc): QueryWithHelpers<ResultDoc, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOneAndReplace", TInstanceMethods>;
    findOneAndReplace<ResultDoc>(filter?: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, replacement?: AnyObject | TRawDocType, options?: null | QueryOptions<TRawDocType>): QueryWithHelpers<null | ResultDoc, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOneAndReplace", TInstanceMethods>;
    findOneAndUpdate<ResultDoc>(filter: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, update: UpdateQuery<TRawDocType>, options: QueryOptions<TRawDocType> & {
        includeResultMetadata: true;
        lean: true;
    }): QueryWithHelpers<ModifyResult<TRawDocType>, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOneAndUpdate", TInstanceMethods>;
    findOneAndUpdate<ResultDoc>(filter: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, update: UpdateQuery<TRawDocType>, options: QueryOptions<TRawDocType> & {
        lean: true;
    }): QueryWithHelpers<null | (TRawDocType extends any[]
        ? Require_id<FlattenMaps<TRawDocType>>[]
        : Require_id<FlattenMaps<TRawDocType>>), ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOneAndUpdate", TInstanceMethods>;
    findOneAndUpdate<ResultDoc>(filter: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, update: UpdateQuery<TRawDocType>, options: QueryOptions<TRawDocType> & {
        includeResultMetadata: true;
    }): QueryWithHelpers<ModifyResult<ResultDoc>, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOneAndUpdate", TInstanceMethods>;
    findOneAndUpdate<ResultDoc>(filter: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, update: UpdateQuery<TRawDocType>, options: QueryOptions<TRawDocType> & {
        upsert: true;
    } & ReturnsNewDoc): QueryWithHelpers<ResultDoc, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOneAndUpdate", TInstanceMethods>;
    findOneAndUpdate<ResultDoc>(filter?: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, update?: UpdateQuery<TRawDocType>, options?: null | QueryOptions<TRawDocType>): QueryWithHelpers<null | ResultDoc, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "findOneAndUpdate", TInstanceMethods>;
    getMaxListeners(): number;
    hydrate(obj: any, projection?: AnyObject, options?: HydrateOptions): THydratedDocumentType;
    init(): Promise<THydratedDocumentType>;
    insertMany(docs: TRawDocType[]): Promise<THydratedDocumentType[]>;
    insertMany(docs: TRawDocType[], options: InsertManyOptions & {
        lean: true;
    }): Promise<Require_id<TRawDocType>[]>;
    insertMany(doc: TRawDocType[], options: InsertManyOptions & {
        ordered: false;
        rawResult: true;
    }): Promise<InsertManyResult<Require_id<TRawDocType>> & {
        mongoose: {
            results: (Object | THydratedDocumentType | Error)[];
            validationErrors: (CastError | ValidatorError)[];
    insertMany(docs: TRawDocType[], options: InsertManyOptions & {
        lean: true;
        rawResult: true;
    }): Promise<InsertManyResult<Require_id<TRawDocType>>>;
    insertMany(docs: TRawDocType[], options: InsertManyOptions & {
        rawResult: true;
    }): Promise<InsertManyResult<Require_id<THydratedDocumentType>>>;
    insertMany(doc: TRawDocType[], options: InsertManyOptions): Promise<THydratedDocumentType[]>;
    insertMany<DocContents>(docs: (TRawDocType | DocContents)[], options: InsertManyOptions & {
        lean: true;
    }): Promise<Require_id<DocContents>[]>;
    insertMany<DocContents>(docs: TRawDocType | DocContents, options: InsertManyOptions & {
        lean: true;
    }): Promise<Require_id<DocContents>[]>;
    insertMany<DocContents>(doc: TRawDocType | DocContents, options: InsertManyOptions & {
        ordered: false;
        rawResult: true;
    }): Promise<InsertManyResult<Require_id<DocContents>> & {
        mongoose: {
            results: (Object | Error | MergeType<THydratedDocumentType, DocContents>)[];
            validationErrors: (CastError | ValidatorError)[];
    insertMany<DocContents>(docs: (TRawDocType | DocContents)[], options: InsertManyOptions & {
        rawResult: true;
    }): Promise<InsertManyResult<Require_id<DocContents>>>;
    insertMany<DocContents>(docs: (TRawDocType | DocContents)[]): Promise<MergeType<THydratedDocumentType, Omit<DocContents, "_id">>[]>;
    insertMany<DocContents>(doc: DocContents, options: InsertManyOptions & {
        lean: true;
    }): Promise<Require_id<DocContents>[]>;
    insertMany<DocContents>(doc: DocContents, options: InsertManyOptions & {
        rawResult: true;
    }): Promise<InsertManyResult<Require_id<DocContents>>>;
    insertMany<DocContents>(doc: DocContents, options: InsertManyOptions): Promise<MergeType<THydratedDocumentType, Omit<DocContents, "_id">>[]>;
    insertMany<DocContents>(docs: (TRawDocType | DocContents)[], options: InsertManyOptions): Promise<MergeType<THydratedDocumentType, Omit<DocContents, "_id">>[]>;
    insertMany<DocContents>(doc: DocContents): Promise<MergeType<THydratedDocumentType, Omit<DocContents, "_id">>[]>;
    listIndexes(): Promise<any[]>;
    listSearchIndexes(options?: ListSearchIndexesOptions): Promise<{
        name: string;
    listenerCount<K>(eventName: string | symbol, listener?: Function): number;
    listeners<K>(eventName: string | symbol): Function[];
    off<K>(eventName: string | symbol, listener: ((...args: any[]) => void)): this;
    on<K>(eventName: string | symbol, listener: ((...args: any[]) => void)): this;
    once<K>(eventName: string | symbol, listener: ((...args: any[]) => void)): this;
    populate(docs: any[], options: string | PopulateOptions | PopulateOptions[]): Promise<THydratedDocumentType[]>;
    populate(doc: any, options: string | PopulateOptions | PopulateOptions[]): Promise<THydratedDocumentType>;
    populate<Paths>(docs: any[], options: string | PopulateOptions | PopulateOptions[]): Promise<MergeType<THydratedDocumentType, Paths>[]>;
    populate<Paths>(doc: any, options: string | PopulateOptions | PopulateOptions[]): Promise<MergeType<THydratedDocumentType, Paths>>;
    prependListener<K>(eventName: string | symbol, listener: ((...args: any[]) => void)): this;
    prependOnceListener<K>(eventName: string | symbol, listener: ((...args: any[]) => void)): this;
    rawListeners<K>(eventName: string | symbol): Function[];
    recompileSchema(): void;
    removeAllListeners(eventName?: string | symbol): this;
    removeListener<K>(eventName: string | symbol, listener: ((...args: any[]) => void)): this;
    replaceOne<ResultDoc>(filter?: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, replacement?: AnyObject | TRawDocType, options?: null | ReplaceOptions & Pick<QueryOptions<TRawDocType>, MongooseBaseQueryOptionKeys | "timestamps" | "lean"> & {
        [other: string]: any;
    }): QueryWithHelpers<UpdateWriteOpResult, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "replaceOne", TInstanceMethods>;
    setMaxListeners(n: number): this;
    startSession(options?: ClientSessionOptions): Promise<ClientSession>;
    syncIndexes(options?: SyncIndexesOptions): Promise<string[]>;
    translateAliases(raw: any): any;
    updateMany<ResultDoc>(filter?: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, update?: UpdateWithAggregationPipeline | UpdateQuery<TRawDocType>, options?: null | UpdateOptions & Pick<QueryOptions<TRawDocType>, MongooseBaseQueryOptionKeys | "timestamps"> & {
        [other: string]: any;
    }): QueryWithHelpers<UpdateWriteOpResult, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "updateMany", TInstanceMethods>;
    updateOne<ResultDoc>(filter?: FilterQuery<TRawDocType>, update?: UpdateWithAggregationPipeline | UpdateQuery<TRawDocType>, options?: null | UpdateOptions & Pick<QueryOptions<TRawDocType>, MongooseBaseQueryOptionKeys | "timestamps"> & {
        [other: string]: any;
    }): QueryWithHelpers<UpdateWriteOpResult, ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "updateOne", TInstanceMethods>;
    updateSearchIndex(name: string, definition: AnyObject): Promise<void>;
    validate(): Promise<void>;
    validate(obj: any): Promise<void>;
    validate(obj: any, pathsOrOptions: PathsToValidate): Promise<void>;
    validate(obj: any, pathsOrOptions: {
        pathsToSkip?: pathsToSkip;
    }): Promise<void>;
    watch<ResultType, ChangeType>(pipeline?: Record<string, unknown>[], options?: ChangeStreamOptions & {
        hydrate?: boolean;
    }): ChangeStream<ResultType, ChangeType>;
    where<ResultDoc>(path: string, val?: any): QueryWithHelpers<ResultDoc[], ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "find", TInstanceMethods>;
    where<ResultDoc>(obj: object): QueryWithHelpers<ResultDoc[], ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "find", TInstanceMethods>;
    where<ResultDoc>(): QueryWithHelpers<ResultDoc[], ResultDoc, TQueryHelpers, TRawDocType, "find", TInstanceMethods>;

Type Parameters

Hierarchy (view full)



base: __module

Base Mongoose instance the model uses.

baseModelName: undefined | string

If this is a discriminator model, baseModelName is the name of the base model.

collection: Collection<Document>

Collection the model uses.

db: Connection

Connection the model uses.

discriminators: undefined | {
    [name: string]: Model<any>;

Registered discriminators for this model.

events: EventEmitter<DefaultEventMap>

Event emitter that reports any errors that occurred. Useful for global error handling.

modelName: string

The name of the model

schema: Schema<TRawDocType, Model<TRawDocType, any, any, any, IfAny<TRawDocType, any, Document<unknown, any, TRawDocType> & Require_id<TRawDocType>>, any>, {}, {}, {}, {}, DefaultSchemaOptions, ObtainDocumentType<any, TRawDocType, ResolveSchemaOptions<DefaultSchemaOptions>>, IfAny<FlatRecord<ObtainDocumentType<any, TRawDocType, ResolveSchemaOptions<DefaultSchemaOptions>>>, any, Document<unknown, {}, FlatRecord<ObtainDocumentType<any, TRawDocType, ResolveSchemaOptions<DefaultSchemaOptions>>>> & Require_id<FlatRecord<ObtainDocumentType<any, TRawDocType, ResolveSchemaOptions<DefaultSchemaOptions>>>>>>

Schema the model uses.


  • Type Parameters

    • K


    • error: Error
    • event: string | symbol
    • Rest...args: AnyRest

    Returns void

  • Alias for emitter.on(eventName, listener).

    Type Parameters

    • K


    • eventName: string | symbol
    • listener: ((...args: any[]) => void)
        • (...args): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest...args: any[]

          Returns void

    Returns this


  • Type Parameters

    • R = any


    • Optionalpipeline: PipelineStage[]
    • Optionaloptions: AggregateOptions

    Returns Aggregate<R[]>

  • Type Parameters

    • R = any


    • pipeline: PipelineStage[]

    Returns Aggregate<R[]>

  • Parameters

    • obj: AnyObject

    Returns AnyObject

  • Parameters

    Returns TRawDocType

  • Sends multiple save() calls in a single bulkWrite(). This is faster than sending multiple save() calls because with bulkSave() there is only one network round trip to the MongoDB server.


    • documents: Document<unknown, any, any>[]
    • Optionaloptions: MongooseBulkSaveOptions

    Returns Promise<BulkWriteResult>

  • Sends multiple insertOne, updateOne, updateMany, replaceOne, deleteOne, and/or deleteMany operations to the MongoDB server in one command. This is faster than sending multiple independent operations (e.g. if you use create()) because with bulkWrite() there is only one network round trip to the MongoDB server.

    Type Parameters


    • writes: AnyBulkWriteOperation<DocContents extends Document<unknown, any, any>
          ? any
          : DocContents extends {}
              ? DocContents<DocContents>
              : any>[]
    • options: MongooseBulkWriteOptions & {
          ordered: false;

    Returns Promise<BulkWriteResult & {
        mongoose?: {
            validationErrors: Error[];

  • Type Parameters


    • writes: AnyBulkWriteOperation<DocContents extends Document<unknown, any, any>
          ? any
          : DocContents extends {}
              ? DocContents<DocContents>
              : any>[]
    • Optionaloptions: MongooseBulkWriteOptions

    Returns Promise<BulkWriteResult>

  • Parameters

    • obj: AnyObject
    • Optionaloptions: {
          ignoreCastErrors?: boolean;
      • OptionalignoreCastErrors?: boolean

    Returns TRawDocType

  • Create the collection for this model. By default, if no indexes are specified, mongoose will not create the collection for the model until any documents are created. Use this method to create the collection explicitly.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends Document


    • Optionaloptions: CreateCollectionOptions & Pick<SchemaOptions<unknown, {}, {}, {}, {}, Document<unknown, {}, unknown> & {
          _id: ObjectId;
      }>, "expires">

    Returns Promise<Collection<T>>

  • Similar to ensureIndexes(), except for it uses the createIndex function.


    • Optionaloptions: CreateIndexesOptions

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Create an Atlas search index. This function only works when connected to MongoDB Atlas.


    • description: SearchIndexDescription

    Returns Promise<string>

  • Does a dry-run of Model.syncIndexes(), meaning that the result of this function would be the result of Model.syncIndexes().


    • Optionaloptions: Record<string, unknown>

    Returns Promise<IndexesDiff>

  • Adds a discriminator type.

    Type Parameters

    • D


    • name: string | number
    • schema: Schema<any, Model<any, any, any, any, any, any>, {}, {}, {}, {}, DefaultSchemaOptions, {}, Document<unknown, {}, FlatRecord<{}>> & FlatRecord<{}> & Required<{
          _id: unknown;
    • Optionalvalue:
          | string
          | number
          | ObjectId
          | DiscriminatorOptions

    Returns Model<D, {}, {}, {}, IfAny<D, any, Document<unknown, {}, D> & Require_id<D>>, any>

  • Type Parameters

    • T
    • U


    • name: string | number
    • schema: Schema<T, U, {}, {}, {}, {}, DefaultSchemaOptions, ObtainDocumentType<any, T, ResolveSchemaOptions<DefaultSchemaOptions>>, IfAny<FlatRecord<ObtainDocumentType<any, T, ResolveSchemaOptions<DefaultSchemaOptions>>>, any, Document<unknown, {}, FlatRecord<ObtainDocumentType<any, T, ResolveSchemaOptions<DefaultSchemaOptions>>>> & Require_id<FlatRecord<ObtainDocumentType<any, T, ResolveSchemaOptions<DefaultSchemaOptions>>>>>>
    • Optionalvalue:
          | string
          | number
          | ObjectId
          | DiscriminatorOptions

    Returns U

  • Delete an existing Atlas search index by name. This function only works when connected to MongoDB Atlas.


    • name: string

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Synchronously calls each of the listeners registered for the event named eventName, in the order they were registered, passing the supplied arguments to each.

    Returns true if the event had listeners, false otherwise.

    import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events';
    const myEmitter = new EventEmitter();

    // First listener
    myEmitter.on('event', function firstListener() {
    console.log('Helloooo! first listener');
    // Second listener
    myEmitter.on('event', function secondListener(arg1, arg2) {
    console.log(`event with parameters ${arg1}, ${arg2} in second listener`);
    // Third listener
    myEmitter.on('event', function thirdListener(...args) {
    const parameters = args.join(', ');
    console.log(`event with parameters ${parameters} in third listener`);


    myEmitter.emit('event', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

    // Prints:
    // [
    // [Function: firstListener],
    // [Function: secondListener],
    // [Function: thirdListener]
    // ]
    // Helloooo! first listener
    // event with parameters 1, 2 in second listener
    // event with parameters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in third listener

    Type Parameters

    • K


    • eventName: string | symbol
    • Rest...args: AnyRest

    Returns boolean


  • Sends createIndex commands to mongo for each index declared in the schema. The createIndex commands are sent in series.


    • Optionaloptions: CreateIndexesOptions

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Returns an array listing the events for which the emitter has registered listeners. The values in the array are strings or Symbols.

    import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events';

    const myEE = new EventEmitter();
    myEE.on('foo', () => {});
    myEE.on('bar', () => {});

    const sym = Symbol('symbol');
    myEE.on(sym, () => {});

    // Prints: [ 'foo', 'bar', Symbol(symbol) ]

    Returns (string | symbol)[]


  • Returns the current max listener value for the EventEmitter which is either set by emitter.setMaxListeners(n) or defaults to defaultMaxListeners.

    Returns number


  • Shortcut for creating a new Document from existing raw data, pre-saved in the DB. The document returned has no paths marked as modified initially.


    • obj: any
    • Optionalprojection: AnyObject
    • Optionaloptions: HydrateOptions

    Returns THydratedDocumentType

  • Inserts one or more new documents as a single insertMany call to the MongoDB server.


    Returns Promise<THydratedDocumentType[]>

  • Parameters

    • docs: TRawDocType[]
    • options: InsertManyOptions & {
          lean: true;

    Returns Promise<Require_id<TRawDocType>[]>

  • Parameters

    • doc: TRawDocType[]
    • options: InsertManyOptions & {
          ordered: false;
          rawResult: true;

    Returns Promise<InsertManyResult<Require_id<TRawDocType>> & {
        mongoose: {
            results: (Object | THydratedDocumentType | Error)[];
            validationErrors: (CastError | ValidatorError)[];

  • Parameters

    • docs: TRawDocType[]
    • options: InsertManyOptions & {
          lean: true;
          rawResult: true;

    Returns Promise<InsertManyResult<Require_id<TRawDocType>>>

  • Parameters

    • docs: TRawDocType[]
    • options: InsertManyOptions & {
          rawResult: true;

    Returns Promise<InsertManyResult<Require_id<THydratedDocumentType>>>

  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<THydratedDocumentType[]>

  • Type Parameters


    Returns Promise<Require_id<DocContents>[]>

  • Type Parameters


    Returns Promise<Require_id<DocContents>[]>

  • Type Parameters


    • doc: TRawDocType | DocContents
    • options: InsertManyOptions & {
          ordered: false;
          rawResult: true;

    Returns Promise<InsertManyResult<Require_id<DocContents>> & {
        mongoose: {
            results: (Object | Error | MergeType<THydratedDocumentType, DocContents>)[];
            validationErrors: (CastError | ValidatorError)[];

  • Type Parameters


    Returns Promise<InsertManyResult<Require_id<DocContents>>>

  • Type Parameters


    Returns Promise<MergeType<THydratedDocumentType, Omit<DocContents, "_id">>[]>

  • Type Parameters


    • doc: DocContents
    • options: InsertManyOptions & {
          lean: true;

    Returns Promise<Require_id<DocContents>[]>

  • Type Parameters


    • doc: DocContents
    • options: InsertManyOptions & {
          rawResult: true;

    Returns Promise<InsertManyResult<Require_id<DocContents>>>

  • Type Parameters


    Returns Promise<MergeType<THydratedDocumentType, Omit<DocContents, "_id">>[]>

  • Type Parameters


    Returns Promise<MergeType<THydratedDocumentType, Omit<DocContents, "_id">>[]>

  • Type Parameters


    Returns Promise<MergeType<THydratedDocumentType, Omit<DocContents, "_id">>[]>

  • Lists the indexes currently defined in MongoDB. This may or may not be the same as the indexes defined in your schema depending on whether you use the autoIndex option and if you build indexes manually.

    Returns Promise<any[]>

  • List all Atlas search indexes on this model's collection. This function only works when connected to MongoDB Atlas.


    • Optionaloptions: ListSearchIndexesOptions

    Returns Promise<{
        name: string;

  • Returns the number of listeners listening for the event named eventName. If listener is provided, it will return how many times the listener is found in the list of the listeners of the event.

    Type Parameters

    • K


    • eventName: string | symbol

      The name of the event being listened for

    • Optionallistener: Function

      The event handler function

    Returns number


  • Returns a copy of the array of listeners for the event named eventName.

    server.on('connection', (stream) => {
    console.log('someone connected!');
    // Prints: [ [Function] ]

    Type Parameters

    • K


    • eventName: string | symbol

    Returns Function[]


  • Alias for emitter.removeListener().

    Type Parameters

    • K


    • eventName: string | symbol
    • listener: ((...args: any[]) => void)
        • (...args): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest...args: any[]

          Returns void

    Returns this


  • Adds the listener function to the end of the listeners array for the event named eventName. No checks are made to see if the listener has already been added. Multiple calls passing the same combination of eventName and listener will result in the listener being added, and called, multiple times.

    server.on('connection', (stream) => {
    console.log('someone connected!');

    Returns a reference to the EventEmitter, so that calls can be chained.

    By default, event listeners are invoked in the order they are added. The emitter.prependListener() method can be used as an alternative to add the event listener to the beginning of the listeners array.

    import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events';
    const myEE = new EventEmitter();
    myEE.on('foo', () => console.log('a'));
    myEE.prependListener('foo', () => console.log('b'));
    // Prints:
    // b
    // a

    Type Parameters

    • K


    • eventName: string | symbol

      The name of the event.

    • listener: ((...args: any[]) => void)

      The callback function

        • (...args): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest...args: any[]

          Returns void

    Returns this


  • Adds a one-time listener function for the event named eventName. The next time eventName is triggered, this listener is removed and then invoked.

    server.once('connection', (stream) => {
    console.log('Ah, we have our first user!');

    Returns a reference to the EventEmitter, so that calls can be chained.

    By default, event listeners are invoked in the order they are added. The emitter.prependOnceListener() method can be used as an alternative to add the event listener to the beginning of the listeners array.

    import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events';
    const myEE = new EventEmitter();
    myEE.once('foo', () => console.log('a'));
    myEE.prependOnceListener('foo', () => console.log('b'));
    // Prints:
    // b
    // a

    Type Parameters

    • K


    • eventName: string | symbol

      The name of the event.

    • listener: ((...args: any[]) => void)

      The callback function

        • (...args): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest...args: any[]

          Returns void

    Returns this


  • Populates document references.


    • docs: any[]
    • options: string | PopulateOptions | PopulateOptions[]

    Returns Promise<THydratedDocumentType[]>

  • Parameters

    • doc: any
    • options: string | PopulateOptions | PopulateOptions[]

    Returns Promise<THydratedDocumentType>

  • Type Parameters

    • Paths


    • docs: any[]
    • options: string | PopulateOptions | PopulateOptions[]

    Returns Promise<MergeType<THydratedDocumentType, Paths>[]>

  • Type Parameters

    • Paths


    • doc: any
    • options: string | PopulateOptions | PopulateOptions[]

    Returns Promise<MergeType<THydratedDocumentType, Paths>>

  • Adds the listener function to the beginning of the listeners array for the event named eventName. No checks are made to see if the listener has already been added. Multiple calls passing the same combination of eventName and listener will result in the listener being added, and called, multiple times.

    server.prependListener('connection', (stream) => {
    console.log('someone connected!');

    Returns a reference to the EventEmitter, so that calls can be chained.

    Type Parameters

    • K


    • eventName: string | symbol

      The name of the event.

    • listener: ((...args: any[]) => void)

      The callback function

        • (...args): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest...args: any[]

          Returns void

    Returns this


  • Adds a one-timelistener function for the event named eventName to the beginning of the listeners array. The next time eventName is triggered, this listener is removed, and then invoked.

    server.prependOnceListener('connection', (stream) => {
    console.log('Ah, we have our first user!');

    Returns a reference to the EventEmitter, so that calls can be chained.

    Type Parameters

    • K


    • eventName: string | symbol

      The name of the event.

    • listener: ((...args: any[]) => void)

      The callback function

        • (...args): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest...args: any[]

          Returns void

    Returns this


  • Returns a copy of the array of listeners for the event named eventName, including any wrappers (such as those created by .once()).

    import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events';
    const emitter = new EventEmitter();
    emitter.once('log', () => console.log('log once'));

    // Returns a new Array with a function `onceWrapper` which has a property
    // `listener` which contains the original listener bound above
    const listeners = emitter.rawListeners('log');
    const logFnWrapper = listeners[0];

    // Logs "log once" to the console and does not unbind the `once` event

    // Logs "log once" to the console and removes the listener

    emitter.on('log', () => console.log('log persistently'));
    // Will return a new Array with a single function bound by `.on()` above
    const newListeners = emitter.rawListeners('log');

    // Logs "log persistently" twice

    Type Parameters

    • K


    • eventName: string | symbol

    Returns Function[]


  • Apply changes made to this model's schema after this model was compiled.

    Returns void

  • Removes all listeners, or those of the specified eventName.

    It is bad practice to remove listeners added elsewhere in the code, particularly when the EventEmitter instance was created by some other component or module (e.g. sockets or file streams).

    Returns a reference to the EventEmitter, so that calls can be chained.


    • OptionaleventName: string | symbol

    Returns this


  • Removes the specified listener from the listener array for the event named eventName.

    const callback = (stream) => {
    console.log('someone connected!');
    server.on('connection', callback);
    // ...
    server.removeListener('connection', callback);

    removeListener() will remove, at most, one instance of a listener from the listener array. If any single listener has been added multiple times to the listener array for the specified eventName, then removeListener() must be called multiple times to remove each instance.

    Once an event is emitted, all listeners attached to it at the time of emitting are called in order. This implies that any removeListener() or removeAllListeners() calls after emitting and before the last listener finishes execution will not remove them fromemit() in progress. Subsequent events behave as expected.

    import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events';
    class MyEmitter extends EventEmitter {}
    const myEmitter = new MyEmitter();

    const callbackA = () => {
    myEmitter.removeListener('event', callbackB);

    const callbackB = () => {

    myEmitter.on('event', callbackA);

    myEmitter.on('event', callbackB);

    // callbackA removes listener callbackB but it will still be called.
    // Internal listener array at time of emit [callbackA, callbackB]
    // Prints:
    // A
    // B

    // callbackB is now removed.
    // Internal listener array [callbackA]
    // Prints:
    // A

    Because listeners are managed using an internal array, calling this will change the position indices of any listener registered after the listener being removed. This will not impact the order in which listeners are called, but it means that any copies of the listener array as returned by the emitter.listeners() method will need to be recreated.

    When a single function has been added as a handler multiple times for a single event (as in the example below), removeListener() will remove the most recently added instance. In the example the once('ping') listener is removed:

    import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events';
    const ee = new EventEmitter();

    function pong() {

    ee.on('ping', pong);
    ee.once('ping', pong);
    ee.removeListener('ping', pong);


    Returns a reference to the EventEmitter, so that calls can be chained.

    Type Parameters

    • K


    • eventName: string | symbol
    • listener: ((...args: any[]) => void)
        • (...args): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest...args: any[]

          Returns void

    Returns this


  • By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than 10 listeners are added for a particular event. This is a useful default that helps finding memory leaks. The emitter.setMaxListeners() method allows the limit to be modified for this specific EventEmitter instance. The value can be set to Infinity (or 0) to indicate an unlimited number of listeners.

    Returns a reference to the EventEmitter, so that calls can be chained.


    • n: number

    Returns this


  • Starts a MongoDB session for benefits like causal consistency, retryable writes, and transactions.


    • Optionaloptions: ClientSessionOptions

    Returns Promise<ClientSession>

  • Makes the indexes in MongoDB match the indexes defined in this model's schema. This function will drop any indexes that are not defined in the model's schema except the _id index, and build any indexes that are in your schema but not in MongoDB.


    • Optionaloptions: SyncIndexesOptions

    Returns Promise<string[]>

  • Translate any aliases fields/conditions so the final query or document object is pure


    • raw: any

    Returns any

  • Update an existing Atlas search index. This function only works when connected to MongoDB Atlas.


    • name: string
    • definition: AnyObject

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Casts and validates the given object against this model's schema, passing the given context to custom validators.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • obj: any

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • obj: any
    • pathsOrOptions: PathsToValidate

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • obj: any
    • pathsOrOptions: {
          pathsToSkip?: pathsToSkip;
      • OptionalpathsToSkip?: pathsToSkip

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Watches the underlying collection for changes using MongoDB change streams.

    Type Parameters

    • ResultType extends Document = any
    • ChangeType extends ChangeStreamDocument<Document> = any


    • Optionalpipeline: Record<string, unknown>[]
    • Optionaloptions: ChangeStreamOptions & {
          hydrate?: boolean;

    Returns ChangeStream<ResultType, ChangeType>