Class OAuth2Util



  • FullAuthUtil
    • OAuth2Util


  • Parameters

    • securitySchemeName: string

    Returns OAuth2Util


accessTokenUrl?: string
authUrl?: string
challengeAlgorithm?: string
clientAuthentication?: string
clientId?: string
clientSecret?: string
codeVerifier?: string
description?: string
grantType?: string
headerPrefix?: string
host?: string

Very optional. If set, it will be used for postman, concatenating accessTokenUrl and authUrl.

password?: string
redirectUri?: string
refreshUrl?: string
scopes: Record<string, string>
securitySchemeName: string
state?: string
tokenLocation?: string
tokenName?: string
useBrowser?: boolean
username?: string


  • Parameters

    • scope: string
    • Optionaldescription: string

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Send client credentials to body

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Send as Basic Auth header

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns Record<string, string>

  • Returns string[]

  • Returns string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | boolean

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns Record<string, string>

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Returns undefined | boolean

  • Returns undefined | string

  • Parameters

    • accessTokenUrl: string

      The endpoint for authentication server. This is used to exchange the authorization code for an access token.

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Parameters

    • authUrl: string

      The endpoint for the authorization server. This is used to get the authorization code.

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Parameters

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Parameters

    • challengeAlgorithm: string

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Parameters

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Parameters

    • clientAuthentication: string

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Parameters

    • clientId: string

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Parameters

    • clientSecret: string

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Parameters

    • codeVerifier: string

      A random, 43-128 character string used to connect the authorization request to the token request.

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Parameters

    • description: string

      A short description for security scheme. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Parameters

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Parameters

    • grantType: string

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Parameters

    • headerPrefix: string

      Added to the Authorization header before the access token.

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Parameters

    • host: string

    Returns this

  • Parameters

    • password: string

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Parameters

    • redirectUri: string

      This is the callback URL that you will be redirected to, after your application is authorized.

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Parameters

    • refreshUrl: string

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Parameters

    • scopes: Record<string, string>

      The scopes of the access request. A map between the scope name and a short description for it. The map MAY be empty.

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Parameters

    • state: string

      An opaque value that is used for preventing cross-site request forgery.

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Parameters

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Parameters

    • tokenLocation: string

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Parameters

    • tokenName: string

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Parameters

    • useBrowser: boolean

      If true, authorize using browser.

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Parameters

    • username: string

    Returns OAuth2Util

  • Returns Record<string, SecuritySchemeObject>

  • Parameters

    • Optionalscopes: string[]

    Returns SecurityRequirementObject[]

  • Parameters

    • Optionalscopes: string[]

    Returns Auth